

Buy, Sale, Rent

GoAvito provides the Buy, Sale, and Rent options at the top of the homepage. These will help user to find their property.

Featured Properties

These featured properties show the property at the top of the homepage. This sale ad belongs to the premium account features.

Find a Property to Buy, Sale, Rent

This page shows to find the property whether it is a buy, sale, or rent. User can easily find their property through this function.

Home Loans

This option is very essential for property buyers. These home loan provider options suggest the bank apply for a loan property.

Footer Links

Footer links display social media links, quick links, popular searches, contact, etc. These help the user to quick action to sell.

Best Property Deals

Buyers can easily discover the best deals on the properties shown on this page. This displays the best sale, offers, and top locations properties on this page.

Property Video Demo

Property Listing

GoAvito's all property listings are displayed on this page. Users can view the buy, sale, and rent of all property here.

Reviews and Ratings

GoAvito allows users to give ratings and reviews about the property, those really give better ideas for the buyers.

Agents Finder

GoAvito provides the agent's finder which will help the new buyer to assist with the details about the property easily.

Agents Profile

One of the vital parts is the agent's profile. This agent's profile is fully verified by the admin.

Filter Property by Area, Category

This filter feature are very useful to the buyer, which helps the user based on their requirements.

Property Full Details

This shows the detailed property listing about the locations, documents, addresses, contact details, etc.

Nearby Property

Based on the locations, user can filter their property nearby. This function helps the instant solution for the buy/sale/rent process.


For new and existing users logged in to this page, and register with multiple social logins like Google, and Facebook.